【 第二屆「全澳英文徵文比賽」2022/2023】作為澳門首個面向青少年、以聯合國的17個可持續發展目標為核心的英文寫作比賽,「全澳英文徵文比賽」志為青少年學生搭建平台,提升對全球議題的認知及思考能力,擴闊國際視野。在你心目中,「一個包容的世界(An Inclusive World)」是怎樣構成的?誠邀你與我們分享你的想法!獲獎作品將在比賽結束後收錄成作品集。
徵文:本屆比賽主題為「一個包容的世界(An Inclusive World)」
【 2nd Annual Macao-wide English Essay Competition 2022/2023】The Macao-wide English Essay Competition (MEEC) provides a platform for young, ambitious students to exercise their critical thinking skills by exploring their role in the world. As the first English Essay Competition geared towards promoting The United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. What is your vision of an inclusive and harmonious community? Share it with us for a chance to be published in our essay collection.
CALL FOR ESSAYS: The theme for this year's contest is "An Inclusive World"
Register by December 12, 2022
Submit your essay by December 21, 2022
Check all the details:www.essaymacao.com