- Wednesday, 10 November 2021
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- University of Saint Joseph
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- 18:30 to 20:00
- Free
- English
- Macao Foundation (澳門基金會)
The “Belt & Road Initiative”, “BRI” is inseparably coupled with the “China Dream” and the “World Dream” of China inspired by a common future of shared prosperity of humankind on this one planet earth. BRI has benefited ASEAN as China’s biggest trading partner, and further showcased by Africa and Pakistan. The new relational paradigm on Integral ecology challenges the technocratic paradigm of the neoliberal capitalism ideology on which BRI operates. Yet BRI is poised to countervail the hegemony of the west/global North by ensuring that the “ecological debt” of the global South be shouldered by the global North. At the same BRI acts as counterculture to promote integral sustainable development based on ethical principles, and international multiculturalism in the world while fostering greater multicultural solidarity with nations of the global South.
• Dr. Veronika Sintha Sarawasti holds a Ph.D from the Faculty of International Politics, South China University of Technology, GuangZhou, China. Currently she is a researcher at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, China Study Unit Convener, Jakarta, Indonesia. s
• Dr. Bernard Lee, PhD, DBA, MBA, MSc, BSc (Hons.), BEd (Hons.), MCIM, LMiProA. Bernard is currently pursuing a DPhil at The University of Oxford and is affiliated with St. Anne’s College. His research interests comprise scale development, religious order, ontology of leadership, and HE. In his leisure time, he relishes running, rowing, rambling, and reading. His motto is Consulto et Audacter.
• Assistant Professor Dr. Jojo M. Fung SJ lectures in the Theology of Integral Ecology: Ecofeminist, Indigenous and Mystical Perspectives; Engaging in Dialogue with Indigenous Peoples Cultures and Spirituality; Spirituality and Theology for Sustainability of Nature and the Poor; Ethics of Pastoral Care & Ministry at the Loyola School of Theology. He is a pioneer and Board Member of Sacred Springs: Dialogue Institute of Spirituality & Sustainability, located at the Loyola School of Theology.
Recent publications include: Jojo M. Fung SJ, Creation is Spirited & Sacred: An Asian Indigenous Mysticism of Sacred Sustainability. Manila: Claretian Communications Foundation, INC, Jesuit Communications Foundation, INC and Institute of Spirituality in Asia. His upcoming publications are: Creational Pneumatology Sacred Sustainability: Foundations of Cosmicism for Enspirited Leadership and A Sacred Sojourner In An Era of Pneumatolocene - Rûah of the Poor & Earth-Cosmos