- Wednesday, 5 May 2021
- CCCN Macau, Calçada da Vitória No.55, RC, Macau (Near the Hotel Royal Macau)
- 澳門得勝斜路55號地下 (皇都酒店附近) 澳門紐曼樞機藝文館
Cooperation Partner:
- University of Saint Joseph
Video Record:
- Part A: Click Here
- Part B(Q&A): Click Here
- 18:30 to 20:00
- Free
- English
- Macao Foundation (澳門基金會)

Fr. Stephan Rothlin, S.J. (罗世范)
Fr. Stephan Rothlin, S.J. (罗世范) serves as Director of the Macau Ricci Institute. His research focuses on Business Ethics, the Social Doctrine of the Church and Contemplation in China where he works since 1998. His recent publications include: “Catholic Social Teaching in China. A reference for Business Ethics,” in: La Civiltà Cattolica, (2019): 61-73, “Anticipating the Future of China. The Heritage of the Jesuit Bishop Jin Luxian SJ” in: La Civiltà Cattolica, (2020): 74-85, and International Business Ethics. Focus on China (Chinese version with China Social Press, Beijing, 2021).

Fr. Jarosław Duraj, S.J. (杜哲磊)
Fr. Jarosław Duraj, S.J. (杜哲磊) is a Polish born Jesuit priest. He holds academic degrees in philosophy, theology, missiology, and Buddhist Studies (with distinction). He earned his Ph.D. in political philosophy from the Pontifical Gregorian University (PUG) in Rome. Based in Macau, he serves as the Vice-Director at the Macau Ricci Institute (MRI) and is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Religious Studies and Philosophy at the University of St. Joseph (USJ). His recent publications include a book chapter: “Re-thinking Chinese Ecumene in the Global Age” In Eric Voegelin’s Asian Political Thought, ed. Lee Trepanier, 9-27 (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2020) and a book: The Role of Metaxy in the Political Philosophy of Eric Voegelin, (New York: Peter Lang, 2021).
The Macau Ricci Institute at the University of St. Joseph offers monthly Contemplation sessions focused on the topic of “Contemplation and Leadership”. The Forum explores how the practice of Contemplation may have a decisive impact on personal transformation, self-management, and leadership. The Contemplative prayer of silence during our sessions helps us in a re-discovery of the Psalms and the Gospel of St. John. During the Ignatian Year which stretches from 20 May 2021 through 31 July 2022 we reflect on the conversion St. Ignatius Loyola experienced 500 years ago when he was wounded by a cannon explosion in Pamplona as well as on the meaning of holiness in reference to the canonization of St. Ignatius with his friend Francis Xavier in 1622. The Forum also highlights the key insights of the founder of the Taipei Ricci Institute, Fr. Yves Raguin, S.J. who recognized in the journey of Contemplation and the mantric prayers of silence a privileged bridge for a dialogue with other wisdom traditions, especially with Buddhism.