The seven artists are
- Konstantin Bessmertnyi
- 畢子融 Aser But
- 李金遠 Li Jinyuan
- Carlos Marreiros 馬若龍
- 繆鵬飛 Mio Pang Fei
- 王魯 Wang Lu
- 吳衛鳴 Ung Vai Meng
- 28 November to 07 December, 2003
- Instituto Para Os Assuntos Cívicos E Municipais (IACM), Macao's historic Municipal Hall
- English
The Macau Ricci Institute is happy to announce an artistic encounter to take place on November 28, 2003 at 16:30 hrs, in the spacious art galleries of the Instituto Para Os Assuntos Cívicos E Municipais (IACM), Macao's historic Municipal Hall.
The artistic encounter is part of the exhibition Paintings and Inner Journeys: Seven Contemporary Artists , which will preview the same day at 18:30 hrs . As the title indicates, seven contemporary painters from Macao and China will show their paintings in an exhibition staged as a central event of the Symposium Culture, Art, Religion: Wu Li (1632-1718) and his Inner Journey , organized by the Institute to run from November 27-29.
During this interesting encounter, the seven invited artists will introduce themselves and their works to the audience before the preview. Their discussion will also reflect on the state of contemporary art in Macao, China and elsewhere in the world, and its spiritual depth or lack of it. Attendance is free of charge and seating will be provided, with those interested in culture and art encouraged to attend and take part.
The MRI with the generous collaboration of the Culture and Recreational Department of IACM has organized both exhibition and artistic encounter.
Organising Institutions
- Culture and Recreational Department of IACM