From the very beginning the Macau Ricci Institute has chosen the publications as an important tool for fostering better mutual understanding between China and the world. Among the many challenges of promoting research and learning about China in China inland and abroad, the search for spiritual meaning and the balanced development of humanistic approach to the fast changing society and search of the roots is one of the priorities of our publication policy.
Therefore, to be able to continue dialogue with Chinese and Western intellectuals the MRI organizes international academic symposia, workshops and talks related to the intellectual history and Chinese-Western traditions and beliefs presented by invited speakers from China and abroad. This reach encounter through stimulating thoughts and research are then published in the MRI Publications Series such as MRI Studies Series, Humanitas and Jesuítas Publications Series.

Macau Ricci Institute Studies 1:
Macau on the Threshold of the Third Millennium
Page | Title | Author |
Keynote Address | ||
5 | Macau still exists! But will it survive? | Jean-Pierre Cabestan |
I. Macau's Historical Meaning | ||
13 | The Existence of Macau: A Chinese Perspective | Fok Kai Cheong |
39 | The Portuguese Chromosome: Reflections on the Formation of Macau's Identity (16th -18th Centuries) | Jorge Manuel Flores |
57 | Ambergris and Opium in Macau's History | Wu Zhiliang |
85 | Macau: A Tale of Many Cities | António Vasconcelos de Saldanha |
II. Macau's Political and Legal Systems and International Relations | ||
93 | Constitutional Conventions and Political Development in Macau | Lo Shiuhing |
101 | Accommodating Diversity: Macau Under China's Constitution | Francisco Gonçalves Pereira |
127 | Mass Political Culture and Political Development in Post-1999 Macau | Herbert S. Yee |
151 | Macau and Europe: The Challenges of the Paradiplomacy Game | Miguel Santos Neves |
177 | Macau's International Relations | José Duarte de Jesus |
III. Macau's Geography, Economy and Society | ||
185 | Macau in the Pearl River Delta and Beyond | Richard Louis Edmonds |
205 | Macau Mixed Architecture and Urbanisation | Carlos Marreiros |
243 | Macau: A Multi-Community Society | Jean Berlie |
257 | Education and Change in Macau's Portuguese Community | Rui Almeida Simões |
273 | Towards an Educational Agenda for Macau at the Start of the New Millennium | Keith Morrison |
IV. Macau's Cultural and Religious Identities | ||
291 | A Project of Identity: Macau in the World unity | Luís Sá Cunha |
301 | A Church in Search of New Ways | Luís Sequeira |
321 | Religious Syncretism: The Harmonization of Buddhism & Taoism in Macau's Lian Feng Miao | Christina Cheng |

Macau Ricci Institute Studies 2:
Religion and Culture: Past Approaches, Present Globalisation, Future Challenges
Page | Title | Author |
7 | Foreword | Yves Camus |
9 | Welcome Address | D. Domingos Lam |
Keynote Address | ||
11 | Boxer, Macau, and the Jesuits | Dauril Alden Charles R. |
I. The European Renaissance Mind in the Encounter with Asia | ||
25 | Decoding the European Renaissance Mind: The Jesuit Missionaries' View of Cultural Encounter in Asia | Philippe Lécrivain |
35 | Reading Indian Pluralism: A Paradigm for Multi-cultural / Religious Development | Délio de Mendonça |
55 | Discussion | Glenn Timmermans |
61 | Maritime Southeast Asia in the World. Map of Ferdinand Verbiest and its Korean Version | Roderich Ptak |
89 | The Korean World Map in St. Ottilien: A Note on Verbiest's Cartographical Work | Soon Mi Hong-Schunka |
113 | Christianity's Dual Meaning in the Modernisation of China: In Commemoration of the 450th Anniversary of the Death of St. Francis Xavier | You Xilin |
129 | Discussion | César Guillén-Nuñez |
II. Experiences | ||
143 | Missionaries and Globalisation of Culture: An Indian Experience | Jose Kalapura |
167 | The Malaccan Portuguese Community and its Relevance to the Macanese in Contemporary Macau | Barney Koo |
199 | A Multi-cultural Case of Macau: The Thesis of "Maximisation of Difference" in a Globalised World | Chan Chi-hou |
213 | World Religions and Asian Culture: The Singapore Experience | Jean Charbonnier |
227 | Discussion | Choong Cheepang |
231 | The Building of the Cathedral of Canton: Political, Cultural and Religious Clashes | Jean-Paul Wiest |
253 | Discussion | Dominique Tyl |
III. Religious traditions in Modern China (1) | ||
59 | Islam's Adaptation in China: Present Realities | Elisabeth Allès |
265 | Chinese Buddhism Revival and Inter-religious Dialogue | Christian Cochini |
279 | What to Preach? Christian Witness in China, with Reference to the Party's Policy of Mutual Accommodation | Kung Lap Yan |
303 | Discussion | Thomas Michel |
313 | The Body at the Junction of Religion and Scientism: Modernisation of Meditative Traditions in Contemporary China | David Palmer |
335 | Daoist Traditions in Modern China: Observations and Reflections | Pierre-Henry de Bruyn |
349 | Discussion | Michael Saso |
IV. Religious traditions in Modern China (2) | ||
361 | Chinese Religious Women in the Modernisation Era: Problems and Contributions | Beatrice Leung Kit Fun |
391 | Rooting the Christian Church in Chinese Soil: Christian Universities Settle Down in China | Zhang Kaiyuan |
405 | Discussion | Yu Sanle |
409 | From Tradition to Modernity: Chinese Intellectuals and Western Missions | Liu Ping |
427 | Raising Civic Morality Among Chinese Citizens in the New Century. The Role of Christian Values | Wang Xiaochao |
439 | Discussion | Gianni Criveller |

Macau Ricci Institute Studies 3:
Culture, Art, Religion: Wu Li (1632-1718) and His Inner Journey
Page | Title | Author |
7 | Foreword | Yves Camus |
9 | Welcome Address | Luís Sequeira |
Keynote Address | ||
11 | Afterthoughts from the Contrasting Biographies of Pu Songling and Wu Li | André Lévy |
I. The Cultural Background | ||
33 | The "Macao Formula" in Crisis over the Quest for Spiritual Faith | Fok Kai Cheong |
69 | Jesuit Buildings in Asia: Reflections on the Practice of Architectural Accommodation | David M. Kowal |
93 | Science and Art: the College and Church of Madre de Deus at the Time of Wu Li | César Guillén-Nuñez |
113 | "Dar a otro modo y orden" Wu Li's Education in Christian Visuality | Elisabetta Corsi |
129 | Catholics in Regions South of the Yangzi River (1669-1702) | Han Qi |
II. East Meets West | ||
147 | Artistic Exchanges Between the East and the West during Wu Li's Time | Mo Xiaoye |
173 | Michael Shen Fuzong's Journey to the West: A Chinese Christian Painted at the Court of James II | Glenn Timmermans |
203 | A Tale of Two Jesuit Artists: Wu Li and Giuseppe Castiglione in Qing Dynasty China | Gauvin A. Bailey |
217 | on Wu Li's Conversion to Christianity | Luo Jie |
III. The Paintings | ||
241 | The Inner Journey and Paintings of Wu Li | Li Puwen |
255 | The Influence of Wu Li in the History of Modern Chinese Painting | Huang Tiechi |
261 | A Unique Thinking and a Broad Mind: On the Art of Wu Li's Landscape Paintings | Li Jinyuan |
271 | From an Artist to a Priest: Analysis of the Spiritual Path of Wu Li | Wen Liding |
IV. The Poems | ||
297 | Wu Li and Macao | Tereza Sena |
327 | Crossing the Border, Breaking with the Past: Wu Li's Iconoclasm | Wolfgang Kubin |
335 | A Trial Analysis on the Thread of Wu Li's Religious and Artistic Thoughts | Lu Wei & Yuan Guan |
359 | The Important Value of Wu Yushan's Personal Experience | Zhang Wenqin |
V. The Inner Journey | ||
389 | Wu Yushan's Path to Faith | Gu Weimin |
415 | Chinese Interpretive Trilogy of Nadal's "Illustrations of Gospel Stories" | He Qi |
429 | Wu Li: In Search of the "Western Lantern" | Christina Miu Bing Cheng |
459 | Seeking the Truth from the West: A Generation of Giants in Late Ming China | Yu Sanle |
485 | On Wu Li's Hometown and Other Miscellanies | Wu Zhengming & Cao Jiajun |

Macau Ricci Institute Studies 4:
Culture, Law and Order Chinese and Western Traditions
Page | Title | Author |
7 | Foreword | Yves Camus |
9 | Welcome Address | Luís Sequeira |
Keynote Address | ||
11 | Ritual and Law in Chinese and Western Traditions | Léon Vandermeersch |
I. Introductory Reflections | ||
25 | The Nuptials Between Justice and Law in the Philosophy of John Rawls: Its Impact in Contemporary Political Philosophy | Arnaldo M. A. Gonçalves |
43 | Republic and Autocracy: A Genetic Differentiating of the Cultural Crypto-genes between Ancient Rome and China | Michael C. Mi |
77 | A Comparison of Chinese and Western Law Culture: The Evolution of Chinese Administrative Law | Xu Jinglin |
91 | The Rule of Law and the Role of Law in the Chinese Context | Ignazio Castellucci |
II. Chinese Culture and the Rule of Law | ||
109 | The Interplay of the Chinese Communist Party with the Chinese Law: Crippling Efforts Towards the Rule of Law | Zou Keyuan |
127 | The Minority Question Reconsidered: Law and Development in Cross-Cultural Comparison of America and China | Matthew S. Erie |
157 | Chinese Culture and the Rule of Law in China | Zhang Haiting |
173 | Inveterate China: Law and Symbolism | Jonas Grimheden |
III. Cultures Interplay in the Rule of Law | ||
201 | Sir George Thomas Staunton and the Translation of the Qing Legal Code | Glenn Timmermans |
221 | Civil Codification, Foreign Influence and “Local Conditions” in China: Towards China’s Own Civil Code? | Chen Jianfu |
251 | Images of Law in Chinese Crime Fiction | Isabel M. S. C. Morais |
277 | “Slavery as Practised by the Chinese”: Observations of Western Missionaries, 1849-1926 | Johanna Sirera Ransmeier |
IV. Changes in China of the Rule of Law | ||
295 | Shifts in the Culture of a Constitution: Closing the Gap and Re-drawing the Map | Anne Carver |
311 | The Rule of Law in China | Wang Jiangyu |
351 | Modern Courts and Judges in Fengtian Province (1907-1928) | Zhang Qin |
371 | Chinese Law Past and Present Potential of a Legacy? | Karin Buhmann |
V. The Rule of Law in Today’s China | ||
405 | Religion in Post Mao China Legalism and Religious Management | Beatrice Leung |
427 | China’s Constitutionalism and Its Recent Developments in China and Taiwan | Jean-Pierre Cabestan |
455 | WTO Implementation and the Rule of Law: Government Procurement in China | Bill K. P. Chou |

Macau Ricci Institute Studies 5:
History and Memory Present Reflections on the Past to Build Our Future
Page | Title | Author |
7 | Foreword | Eric Sautedé |
9 | Welcome Address | Luís Sequeira |
Keynote Address | ||
11 | Historical Consciousness and Cultural Identity | Tu Weiming |
I. Epistemological Issues: The Liaisons Between History and Memory | ||
35 | Memory and the Writing of History | Consuelo Varela |
43 | Ancestral Memory, Homestead Symbols and Clan History: Analysis of the Shanxi Hongdong Big Locust Tree Legend | Zhao Shiyu |
75 | History, Memory, and Narrative Ethics | Vivian-Lee Nyitray |
II. Questions of Method: On the Sources of History and Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach | ||
91 | A Global Inquisition and the Aborigines | Juan Gil |
107 | Documents, Interviews, and Facts: The Case Study of the Yihetuan Movement in the Connection Between History and Memory | Chen Fangchung |
145 | Science, Culture, Politics: Qing Intellectual History in Republican China | Shana J. Brown |
163 | History and the Transmission of Shared Loss: The Great Leap Famine in China and the Luku Incident in Taiwan | Stephan Feuchtwang |
191 | Old Photos and Historic Memory | Ding Dong |
203 | Forbidden Memory, Unwritten History: The Difficulty in Structuring an Opposition Movement in the PRC | Jean-Philippe Béja |
III. Selecting and Constructing Memories | ||
227 | Commemorating History in Colonial and Post-Colonial Hong Kong | John M. Carroll |
251 | The Objectivity of Historical Memory: On Reality in the Panorama of the History of Ideas | Jin Guantao & Liu Qingfeng |
271 | Interaction Between Historical Archives and TV: Taking "Retrospection: Stories in the Archives" as an Example | Xing Jianrong |
283 | Interpreting Memory as Acting on Memory: Ethnic Identity in Macao During the Transition Period (1987-1999) | João de Pina-Cabral |
297 | Seeking Footprints of Early Chinese Labourers: Based on Sister M. Alfreda Elsensohns' Idaho Chinese Lore | Zhang Kaiyuan |
313 | National History Textbooks in Late Qing China: Stories, Memories and Identities | Peter Zarrow |
IV. Preserving Memory and Teaching History | ||
339 | Remembering the Past, Shaping the Future: Stories Focussed on Personal Objects | Haviva Peled-Carmeli |
349 | Valuing the Past in the Museum of Macau | Cathryn Clayton |
373 | Historical Understanding and Historical Reality: Unconformity, Interference and Mistakes in the Historical View of Evolutionism in Research on the History of Chinese Art in the Twentieth Century | Lin Mu |
393 | The Establishment of the “China Historical Geographic Information System” and Its Use in Historical Research | Ge Jianxiong |
409 | Information Technology and the Job of the Historian: An Outline of Ongoing Issues | Guido Abbattista |
425 | The Future of Free Information | Lawrence M. Sanger |
V. The "Duty of Memory": For Whom and to What End | ||
447 | The Chinese Cultural Revolution: Concealed History and To-be-discovered Memory | Xu Youyu |
461 | How a “Lost Generation” Recovers its Memory: The Political Significance of the Debate about the Memory of the Cultural Revolution and of the Educated Youth Movement | Michel Bonnin |
471 | Can We Influence Memory? | Marie-Claire Lavabre |
477 | The Duty of Memory: The Nanjing Massacre, Memory and Forgetting in China and Japan | Rana Mitter |
495 | The French Resistance: Between Memory and History | Olivier Wieviorka |
513 | Representing and Remembering the Soweto Uprising: Constructing the Narrative of South Africa's Liberation Struggle | Gary Baines |
533 | S 21: The "Present Past" of Dehumanisation | Sylvie Rollet |

Macau Ricci Institute Studies 6:
Education for New Times: Revisiting Pedagogical Models in the Jesuit Tradition
Page | Title | Author |
7 | Foreword | Artur K. Wardega, sj |
19 | Welcome Address | Artur K. Wardega, sj |
I. Jesuit Worldview and Education | ||
25 | The Ratio Studiorum of the Jesuits: Pedagogy and Spirituality of the Jesuit Plan of Studies in the Shaping of ‘Modernity’ in the Early Modern Period | Stephan Ch. Kessler, sj |
39 | Understanding the World: Knowledge and Disciplines in the Elaboration of the Ratio Studiorum (1540-1599) | Antonella Romano |
II. Jesuit Educational Accommodation in Asia | ||
71 | World Cartography in the Jesuit Mission in China: Cosmography, Theology, Pedagogy | Angelo Cattaneo |
87 | Jesuit Renaissance Humanism as the Principle of Cross-Cultural Encounters in China | Robert A. Maryks |
99 | ‘From Pagan Dross Shall Purify Her Ore’: Education and the Beginnings of the Jesuit Mission in Japan | Romulo da Silva Ehalt |
109 | Jesuit Pioneers in 17th Century Vietnam and Educational Interaction | Roland Jacques |
127 | Jesuit Contribution to Vietnamese Education: Past and Present | Anh Q. Tran, sj |
III. Christian Education in China and Hong Kong | ||
155 | The Jesuit Educational Tradition and the Promotion of Scientific Knowledge in Early 20th Century China: Li Wenyu and Xixue guanjian | Limin Bai |
181 | Ziccawei and T’ou-sè-wè: Fountainhead of the Modern Shanghai Culture | Li Tiangang |
205 | The Inspiration of Jesuit Educational Thought in Modern China | He Jianming |
229 | Jesuit Education in Hong Kong – Growth and Development | Alfred J. Deignan, sj |
235 | Education in Macao: Search for Excellence among the Less Privileged and – A Case of Two Schools | Luís Manuel F. Sequeira, sj and Choi Chi U |
IV. New Trends | ||
249 | New Times for Education: Issues of Development and Fairness | Ruben de Freitas Cabral |
263 | Cristo Rey Schools: Jesuit Secondary Education that Works for the Urban Centre | Gary Menard, sj |
269 | Learning to Serve – Serving to Learn: The Characteristics of Jesuit Education and Ignatian Pedagogy | Martin Scroope |
289 | New Trends in Online Theological Education: Successes and Challenges for the Future | Bradley H. McLean |

Macau Ricci Institute Studies 7:
Acta Pekinensia Western Historical Sources for the Kangxi Reign
Page | Title | Author |
7 | Foreword | Artur K. Wardega, sj |
13 | Welcome Address | Artur K. Wardega, sj |
Keynote Address | ||
17 | The Historical Significance of the ‘Acta Pekinensia’ | Paul Rule |
I. The Acta Pekinensia Project | ||
51 | The ‘Acta Pekinensia’ Project of the Macau Ricci Institute | Luís M.F. Sequeira, sj |
55 | Kilian Stumpf and his ‘Acta Pekinensia’: Life, Context and Purpose of a Manuscript | Claudia von Collani |
89 | The ‘Acta’’s Four Portraits | Gerard J. Hughes, sj |
II. Acta Pekinensia and the Context of the Rites Question | ||
141 | The Chinese Rites Controversy An Overview and Critique | Paul Rule |
161 | Aspects of the Theological Debate in the Years Immediately Prior to the First Decree of Clement XI (1704) | Ilaria Morali |
201 | The Personification of the Worst Stereotypes of the West – Charles Thomas Maillard de Tournon and His Legacy to Kangxi Emperor According to the Acta Pekinensia | Monika Miazek-Męczyńska |
217 | From Maillard de Tournon to Mezzabarba | Giacomo Di Fiore |
III. Acta Pekinensia in the Context of China-Europe Relations | ||
241 | Kilian Stumpf, SJ at Kangxi’s Court, 1695–1720 A New Perspective on His Tenure as a Missionary-Artisan | Emily Byrne Curtis |
257 | The Kangxi Emperor’s Lessons in Western Sciences as Recounted by the Jesuit Fathers J. Bouvet and J.-F. Gerbillon | Isabelle Landry-Deron |
273 | The Zheng Regime versus the Manchu Empire The Significance of Vittorio Ricci’s ‘(Hechos de) La Orden de Predicadores en el Imperio de China’ (1676) | Patrizia Carioti |
341 | Claudio Filippo Grimaldi, SJ, Imperial Envoy to Europe, and His Secret Mission | Vitor Luís Gaspar Rodrigues |
371 | Notes on the Qing-Zunghar War (1690–97) The Jesuit Sources | Davor Antonucci |
389 | Matteo Ripa’s Journal, Part III (1716–20) with New Documents for the History of the Kangxi Era | Michele Fatica |
425 | The Mission to Congratulate the Kangxi Emperor on His Seventieth Birthday Father João Mourão and His Plan to Bring an Ambassador of the King of Portugal to Beijing | Jin Guoping |
435 | Recent Chinese Translations (2000–10) of Early Texts and Modern Studies Related to Missionaries in China in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries | Thierry Meynard, sj |