- 22 May 2013
- Macau Ricci Institue
- 18:00 to 21:30
- Free
- English
Audio Record of this Seminar

Prof DARLENE J. SADLIER is a Professor of Spanish and Portuguese at the Indiana University since 1991. Receiving a PhD in Portuguese with a minor in Spanish from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, she teaches courses on Lusophone literature and culture and Brazilian and Latin American Cinema, while holding adjunct professor titles and affiliations with Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Communication and Culture, Cultural Studies, West European Studies, Gender Studies, American Studies and African Studies. Her recent publications include Nelson Pereira dos Santos (with a Brazilian translation with Editora Papirus, São Paulo, 2012), Brazil Imagined, 1500 to the Present (with a Brazilian translation, forthcoming with the Universidade de São Paulo) and Americans All: Good Neighbour Cultural Diplomacy in World War II.
The seminar will be divided into two parts, the first of which analyses Fernando Pessoa’s construction as a poet and national icon in the years following the Salazar/Caetano dictatorship in 1974-a construction that continues to this day in Portugal.
The second part captures the role of the literary and artistic imaginary in shaping Brazil's national identity. Analyzing representations of Brazil both by foreigners and by Brazilians, this presentation demonstrates the ways in which life in one of the world's largest nations has been conceived and revised in visual arts, literature, film, and a variety of other media.